
Thursday, December 26, 2013

JFK assassination

JFK: It was November 22, 1963. John Fitzg termld Kennedy and his Wife Jaclyn were riding down Elms street on base their hot seatial motorcade, with Senator Connelly and his married woman riding along in the fucking in front of them. President Kennedy waves to the crowd downstairs the igneous Texas sun and suddenly he feels a dandy plot of metal pierce his throat. As he clinches the world where he felt the pain, Jackie leans over and discovers whats wrong. Senator Connelly also feels a sympathetic pain but in is back not his throat. Seconds later a portion of the presidents heads explodes after a loud-voiced offburst is heard. Secret service rush to aid the president as his wife and the on-lookers duck for cover and hide for the fear of be shot just as the president was. This was the assassination of JFK. on that point is much speculation of where the shots came from but the one f movement is that they did what they were meant to do, eliminate the President of th e United States of America. Thus Lyndon B. Johnson, the power vice president, is instantaneously named the president. Some feel LBJ ordered the flash on President Kennedy, others think it was the mob, and some Cuba but as Far as the Warren commission is concerned it was a random act of Lee Harvey Oswald.
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Lee Harvey Oswald, a fountain marine and good-looking supporter of communist Russia and Cuba worked at the Texas harbour depository, where the fatal shots came from. The lick A indicates where his nest was. And the Circle B shows where he worked. This shew appeared in the warren commission. It was the report that was filed in explaining the presidents death and the cause behind it. My documentary will search some of the cons! piracies of who killed him and also look into the motives they had. by and by the shots ring out the secret service reacts but it is besides late. The presidents head was lying on his wifes lap.This was the era of the cold war. The USSR and the US were at separately other throats with the latest nuclear weapons and on the brink of war. The US had bombs...If you want to clear a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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