
Thursday, December 26, 2013


History is a Sign from the heavens. The Quran decl ars: I will base you My Signs on the horizon and within your own souls until you have demonstration of faith. On the horizon means history and nature. whence history and science take on a sacred character in as much as they are Signs from God. This guiding principle separates this encyclopedia from some other cyphers of analogous nature. In the fascinating panorama of the struggle of man on earth, faith has played a pivotal role. Each of the major religions of man imbues its followers with a particular vision of the a priori and the relationship of the human to the transcendent. That particular vision governs to a queen-size extent the relationship of each faith with the homo at large. As the globe shrinks under the incessant impact of technology, bat force and women of different faiths need to make love in concert to understand nonpareil another and shape a joint human destiny. Islam make its appearance on th e orbit phase angle more than fourteen hundred years ago and flat came into contact with the Iranian and Byzantine worlds. As the Islamic world expanded it had to come to terms not just with the rationalism of the Greeks but with the whimsy systems of the Persians, the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Chinese.
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The Muslims learned, absorbed, amalgamated the ideas of the east and the west and gave to the world the empirical-scientific method, algebra, chemistry, arabesque, Tasawwuf and the Taj Mahal. Centuries went by. There were ill-judged periods of conflict followed by long periods of cooperation surrounded by the world of Islam and the worlds of other faiths. The traces of these inte ractions have shaped the perceptions of Isla! m in the innovative orbiculate consciousness. such(prenominal) of the work on Islamic history suffers from the limit of an exuberant focus on the Middle East. Islam is a global enterprise. The concentrate of gravity of the Islamic world is closer to Delhi, Lahore and Kuala Lumpur than it is to capital of Egypt and Baghdad. This work seeks to capture...If you want to get a full essay, gear up it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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