
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Career Passports and Career Portfolios

Portfolios have long been apply in some professions to overt professional work and skill. In education, portfolios have also been utilize for assessment, including self-assessment (Lankes 1995; Pond et al. 1998). Both career portfolios and career liberty chits reflect this ternary focusstudents assess themselves in the mathematical operation of maturation a product, and the resulting product showcases and documents their experiences and skills. A distinction is sometimes cadaverous betwixt a portfolio as developmental and a passport as additive (Bridging the Gap 1993). With portfolios, more emphasis is beat on the developmental act of self-assessment, planning, and goal-setting; with passports, more emphasis is rove on the final product that sums up the results of the process and communicates them to others. In practice, however, both(prenominal) passports and portfolios represent a combination of developmental process and summative product. The value of the passp ort or portfolio is also twofold: students pull through out to an awareness of their own skills and experience, and employers have richer, more enlarge entropy for hiring decisions than is provided in transcripts and diplomas.
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As early as the mid-1980s, Charner and Bhaerman (1986) advocated a go straits as a way for supplementary students to call and document their work and nonwork experiences and to translate those experiences into statements of skills specifically connect to work. The process was necessary for students to understand what they had to offer to employers; the resulting charge Passport provided employers with fine information to supplement the information in aim t ranscripts or even resumes. The Ohio Ind! ividual career Plan (ICP) and Career Passport. The Ohio Career Passport is the capstone of students career decision-making process, begun before the ordinal physique (Gahris n.d.) The planning and decision making involved in the ICP process lead to each students Career Passport, an individual credential living accommodations an...If you want to get a full essay, aim it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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