
Thursday, December 26, 2013

‘Was The War Main Problem Facing The Tsar In Febru

Was the struggle main(prenominal) riddle facing the tsar in February 1917? [16 marks] In this answer I depart be essay to quit whether or not World War dickens was the main enigma facing the tsar in February 1917. I will be talking about the The struggle was the main problem facing the czar because the Tsar was becoming increase less-traveled with the public because he wouldnt end Russias friendship in the war. This was because the Allies wanted them to continue fighting, and the Tsar had to do what they wanted because they had lent Russia money, and to continue doing so, the Tsar had to do what they wanted. The w War too links in to Russias nutriment shortages. When Russia started participating in the War, factories turned to creating guns, ammunition and other products for the war effort. This meant that less food was bring upd, and any food that was produced by and large was move to the breast lines. Rationing was introduced in December 1917. factory w orkers were similarly being sent to the front lines as a resolve of conscription (the compulsory enlistment into the Military), in that respectfore claim it harder to produced food, making Russias food shortages worse. And if that wasnt enough, the Russian array also requisitioned all the horses from Farms for the Army, again making it very hard to produce food.
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The war was also the main problem because it meant that there werent many soldiers in Russia to stop the revolution, they were all in the front lines. If Russia hadnt participated in the War, the revolution might not dupe happened. The control of the Army was also a problem for the Tsar because he didnt have control of t he Army, and thereof couldnt control the mu! tiny that occurred when he told soldiers to shoot the protesters. I recollect the most important problem facing the Tsar in February 1917 was the War. The way was the caused the food shortages because factories converted to making products for the war effort, the pulverisation works conscripted into the Army, and the lack of...If you want to get a entire essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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