
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Robert Ross - Tragic Hero ("The Wars").

Since human has walked on earth, he had always been in end with himself and other human beings. For thousands of years, there have been many blow out battles fought among rival groups over different issues that seemed big at that time. The end results of each of the conflicts were always pretty much the same: the peck deaths and destruction of civilizations, and horrible physical and emotional impacts of the individuals left to brisk with the horrors they had faced. After each struggle, different torpedoes were proclaimed, while ordinary soldiers who gave their lives remote for their countries and were killed during the battles were forgotten. The Wars by Timothy Findley describes the place of ordinary men in a situation which magnify their actions until they seem either despairing or insane, or both. The Wars does not describe the deeds of the anomalous men, instead, it deals with a man who is flawed, as we all ar, and whose flaws widen as war goes on. By tralatit ious definition, hero is soul who is big than life, some aneness who possesses great strength and courage. Was Robert Ross, the protagonist of The Wars, a hero?
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offset printing answer that comes to mind is no, barely the more one thinks about it, the more he starts to recall that Robert indeed was a hero, though not a traditional one. Although Robert Ross does not blindly follow orders of his commanders, Robert Ross is a hero because he is a stouthearted man who always helps those who are in need, a man who cares about his family, and a man who believes in life supra everything. In every battle, ordinary raft show heroism and a lot of courage, which either go unnoticed or are forgot ten after a short period of time. During one! of the... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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