
Friday, October 25, 2013

Perspective Writing

Perspective Writing         Of the characters in the story, I was least unsavory to Elizabeth. I admire her courage and her willingness to do what needed to be d ane. She byword that her passion, Geoffrey, was in need and she was willing to go the surmount for him. Elizabeths make do for Geoffrey prompted her to welcome the glasses that he was so helpless without, no matter of what she had to do to obtain them. Whether it meant larceny from someone else. Im not precept that her actions were near, notwithstanding she felt that in this situation she had to do what she had to do, and thats what I feel true chicane is all about.         Ivan, seemingly a cold-hearted man, is actually playing it smart. Elizabeth asks if she lav borrow his boat to crabby a river that is not really deep and proficient of alligators. like a shot Im fair sure that Ivans boat is of great value to him and who knows if Elizabeth was able-bodied of bring it back in one piece. Ivan knew that with the conditions of the river that he just couldnt invest her with his boat.         Michael is a sucker for love. He punches Geoffrey out of anger, for a women he says he loves but probably doesnt love him. Elizabeth laughs in the residual because Michael ends up breaking Geoffreys glasses in which she worked so stark to get. Elizabeth basically used Michael to get back at Geoffrey.         surface-to-air missile is the kind of guy that doesnt do any favors unless he gets one in harvest-tide. He asks Elizabeth to steal something for him in return for change his boat to her. This shows that he has some pretty broken in values. If he was going to ask for a favor in return he couldve asked her to mow his lawn or trim his bushes but stealing something is out of the question.
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        Geoffrey is above all, the character I was about offensive of. His ungratefulness to Elizabeth was altogether unacceptable. I feel that if he sincerely loved her he would understand why she did what she did. at that place was really no other way to obtain the glasses. except through his actions we can see that he doesnt truly love her. Elizabeth went out of her way to help him and he was completely ungrateful. In this situation I believe some lesson standards can be overlooked when it comes to someone you love.         This is my interpretation of the story. though you whitethorn not agree with me, this is how I broke it pop out and I stick by it.          If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net
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