
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Qualities of a Good Ruler- Based on Niccolo Machiavelli's - "The Prince."

In history, the main reason why a kingdom prospers is because of its attraction. The outstrip written piece I have add across on this topic is Niccolo Machiavellis book, The Prince. A leader should be intelligent, strong, feel for and devoted to his subjects. Although people have different opinions in the qualities of a good ruler, both believe that a leader should foster his nation grow and thrive. In his book, The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli states his opinions on what makes a good ruler. He believed that a leader should non think close to his luxuries as much as stimulateing acquaintance about compulsory and leading. This takes a lot of training and hard work, but by doing this he will maintain the reign of his family rule. A great(p) example of a ruler who was too caught up in luxuries and weakened his pudding stone because of selfishness is Louis XIV. He tried to gain as much originator as possible at the expense of his subjects. He taxed the unworthy to suppo rt his wars. He lived in a palace so large that one would hire days to explore all its beauties. However, when he died, his subjects celebrated standardised never before as nothing can be more humiliating than that. One of the near important qualities Machiavelli state a ruler should have is knowledge of warfare.
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Without the ability to oppose his nation, a ruler will not be for long. It alike makes the people feel uneasy and unsafe, which leads to conspiracies against him and challenges against his power. Machiavelli believed that a ruler should invariably exercise his practice in warfare, in particular during peacetime. Machiavelli apprised that a ruler should study the history of early(a) great leaders to learn how the! y won and lost battles, and learn to avoid their mistakes. Machiavelli says... If you trust to get a full essay, indian lodge it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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