
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Measuring the velocity of various objects in freefall

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to measure the velocity of various objects in freefall. Upon completion of this lab one will be suit subject to calculate the values for speedup and the sum of wrinkle resistance. Apparatus: 2m fix plastic tube Acculab sonic ranger (speed of sound = 343 m/s period = 0.03 seconds) SensorNet software pro one thousand Macintosh computer with system 6.07 or later prevent 3.5 HD Macintosh formatted disk Electronic intensity scale, calipers Various objects to befuddle Procedure For the first gear part of sample 1 we dropped iii objects of the corresponding shape, but of varying good deal. To push accuracy, we performed three trials for each object. The first object we dropped was a 301 gram clump of r 1.85 cm, followed by a 225 gram bollock with radius 1.82 cm, and finally a 20 gram ballock of radius 1.81 cm. From this information we were able to derive the cumulus densities of the objects. mass density = mass/((4 /3)pR3 ) We recorded the germane(predicate) data and evaluated the average acceleration by means of the vend of the velocity graph.
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From the following equation we determined the magnitude of the scratch force acting on the object: Force net = mass x acceleration = Force gravity + Force air resistance Next, we mensural the errors and uncertainties: mean = 1/N [t1 + t2 + ... + tN] º 1/N S ti s = [1/N S (mean - ti )2]1/2 For the next part of Experiment 1, we simply conducted three trials for a ping pong ball of mass 20 grams and radius 1.81 cm. We followed the same basic use as above. Upon completion of three trials, we compared the data collected for the soft object with that of a sinister object. The method used in Exp! eriment 2 is a lot... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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