
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Versailles Book Review

Jennifer Dun flock
December 2, 2010
History 4333
Book Review


In Ian Dunlops book, Versailles, we take a look at the transformation of the Château de Versailles from the c nontextual matterridge holder of Louis XIV to the 1970s. Dunlop argues that the rook is the effect of social, political, and economic influences of those who create it. He provides proof of this theory by looking at the personalities of the kings and queen who lived in the Palace of Versailles. Each had unique qualities that contributed to what we know the castle as today. By examining the personalities of each of the palaces residents it makes it deport to see why they added certain elements such as art and décor and animals. In addition to the personality quirks the contributed to the palace, Dunlop also observes the châteaus architecture.
An important fact to note is that the Château de Versailles is not considered old by europiuman standards. However, once it was completed than every ruler in Europe, from the Mediterranean to the Baltic, wanted a copy of it. Dunlop goes on to feel out that this type of undertaking made France the cultural center of Europe just as Italy was during the Renaissance.
Dunlop begins with King Louis XIV. Louis XIV used the palace for an escape from Paris and the rigours of government.

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Louis XIVs personality can only be draw as punctual. Saint-Simon said, With a calendar and a watch one could say what he was doing threesome hundred leagues away. However, this was only the business aspect of Louis XIV. In his take over time, he retreated to Versailles. One of the first elements of Versailles that Louis XIV began to remold was the gardens and the architecture. The garden-designer, Le Notre, and the architect, Le Vau, were faced with a difficult task. Saint-Simon described the site as of all places that saddest and most barren, with no view, no water and no wood, for it is all shifting sand and marshland. Although Louis was met with resistance, he continued on with his...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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