
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Two Different Cultures

Two Different Cultures
Today I am breathing out to discuss two different cultures. They be way out to be the Maasai of Kenya and overly the Amish of America. I am going to discuss their family moves. I am also going to talk about the office that they raise their children to their different
First I am going to discuss the Maasai culture. The central unit of the Maasai culture is age-set. Although young boys are sent out with the calves and the lambs, for boys childhood is mostly playtime that for the ritual beatings to test courage and endurance. Girls are responsible for chores such(prenominal) as cooking and milking. Those skills are learned from their overprotects at an earlyish age. Every 15 to 20 years a newborn set of warriors are named. They are called Morans. At the time they wipe out reached puberty and are not a part of the former age-set. One of the rites of passage from boyhood to a junior warrior is a circumcision ceremony. It is performed by the elders. The boy must endure the operation in silence. Expressions of throe bring dishonor. If they are not quiet then any(prenominal) mistake can lead to lifelong scarring, dysfunction and pain. The mend process takes 3 to 4 months, and the boys must wear pitch- smuggled clothes from 4 to eight months (Wikipedia, 2010).

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A Maasai warriors mother shaves his head during part of his initiation ceremony into adulthood. This ritual validates her stance as a mother as well as her sons adulthood (Miller pg. 158). During this time the Moran will live with his mother in a manyatta. This is a small crossroads built by their mother. The manyatta has no encircling barricade for protection, accenting the warrior role of protecting the community (Wikipedia, 2010).
Some young women also undergo excision. This is a female circumcision. They also wear dark clothes and paint their faces on completion of the ceremony. They are inclined instructions and advice pertaining to their new role, as they are then express to have come of age and become women, ready for...If you deficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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