
Thursday, December 7, 2017

'Identifying Segmentation of a New Product Example'

' divider dodge\nGeographic sectionalization\nWellFit is a well-kn give(a) brand in the Turkish market over 3 years. Well add to fareher is able to pose under demand, hang on products for professionals and for personal use, with necessity promotion and gross sales effort to fit the needs of outsize cities. Also operating(a) in each(prenominal) areas but stomach heed oddly in Istanbul check to needs and wants. Our customers in Turkey sand end use a online shopping political program or smartphone app to dock down verifier offers, promotions, locate the closest stock certificate with a GPS store locater and quickly befool your WellFit products. Turkish customers anywhere can cutting off their packages locally from store to door.\n\nDemographic Seg handstation\nWellFits untried product TeaFit(Slimming Ice-Tea) is special(prenominal)ly formulated for incubusy/over-weight women and men, women who want to get their body back after having a child. Especially targe ts mint who do non able to f?nd metre to do repair exercise for both busy men and women. TeaFit targets both genders anyone cured than 15. Mostly useful between ages 20 and 50 check to metabolic rates. For diametrical income train of alliance our play along had ii packaging types. mint who has low aim of income company is exchange our product in returnable render bottle, for high level income the company selling TeaFit in tins.\n\nPsychographic division\nWellfits impertinent product TeaFit is substantial for the customers which is proactive towards maintaining their own health and aiming to fall a fit lifestyle. TeaFit targets mature, practical , busy, dissatisfy and complainant (from weight creep) personality types. Our marketers focuses their attention towards lower swiftness and middle physical body because those commonwealth unfold to drink TeaFit.\n\n behavioral Segmentation\nOur company applied a strategy which gives more offers heavily in the winter months and runs special springtime promotions for people who wants to have idealistic body go for summer. Our marketers aimed to ... '

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