
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Vampyre Subculture

Reading about this subculture on Wikipedia was unexpected. Ive always fuck vampires and thought of myself as one. I was surprised to find that in that respect are m any(prenominal) persons who believe to be sanguinarians, in different(a) words, they believe they need to consume store to maintain their health. on that point is no data on the origins or certain mend of this subculture, but by what Ive red I repeat this subculture exists in small communities around the world. There are dickens main types of vampires: sanguinarians and mental vampires. The later ones, instead of suck contrast, captivate energy and prana from other individuals. Something weird and interesting is that the members of this subculture do not steal or force victims to tolerate their blood or energy, but relate with donors that, apparently, are willing to lay down their blood or energy. These donors, and other non-vampire members of the community, are referred to as Swans. blacken S wans beingness donors or friends and White Swans being those who dis ilk or worship vampires. It is mentioned that Swans like to adorn themselves with swan-themed sicing and jewelry; both(prenominal) of them notwithstanding mature tattooed. There are three chassiss of donors: Crimson, who present blood, Crystal, who donate psychic or psionic energy and Amber who donate in any possible way. There is not much information on the subject. It is believed that this subculture derived from the Goth subculture. In general this does not count to be a normal subculture since I did not assemble particular proposition details on their clothing, way to present themselves or other common traits of subcultures. Im guessing they dress like fictional vampires do and probably try to assume their modus vivendi by living at night. I tack in concert a website (the third one in the bibliography) that shows how convicted and sure some people are that vampires exist. After reading som e articles I truly doubt if Im facing a subc! ulture or a real myth here. Although this might big(a) kind of crazy, go on and check that webpage...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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