
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Merger Memo

Running head: NEW MERGER MEMO advanced uniting Memo Mike Nus University of Phoenix MEMORANDUM To: supervisory Team Management From: Marwan Nussairat, Senior Sales Manager Re: Managers Responsibility & New Merger Date: October, 4th 2009 Recently, our troupe interconnected into a new direction, and we successfully acquired EnviroTech. This new fusion leave behind help our company to reach more(prenominal) customers and increase the company exposure in the market. Also, this merger leave behind allow us to expand our receiveledge as hale our customer base. My intention as a ranking(prenominal) sales handler, engage me to report new ideas like globalizing that plays an important role in the merger of EnviroTech with InterClean and necessitate my team to adapt effectively. With this merger, I m sure-footed that staff productiveness will be improved and occupy to grow reaching into new markets. As a fourth-year sales manager , m y interactions with my team will are abnormal by my behavior which impact my team performance and productivity, thereof , I trust that all managers whom acting as headstone deal in this transition will focus on retaining their teams by expressing sprite during this period and rewards their employees for performing their jobs effectively . altogether key managers must maintain an ethical dieing relationships among them and their teams, so we smoke create a safe ,healthy work place purlieu during this transition. We should also understand that our staff productivity is significant to be a profitable, productive workplace; therefore, I will in brief list below the key behaviors that our manager should share within their teams. Key Behaviors Select for talent, this means that managers should recognise talents for a grumpy job and then place people who fit the role. make the right outcomes, which mean that managers should set actualise objectives that help em ployees to know what they are required to ac! hieve. Focus on employees strengths earlier than weakness and...If you want to get a full essay, read it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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