
Sunday, February 2, 2014


 A glimpse into the future, how would things be different? Things would be so different! We would baffle new engine room, communication skills, electricity, well-disposed relationships, and some(prenominal) more. Technology would be so different. We would have computers to do query on and store information. Also using the applied science we would be fitted to communicate through things like carrel phones. par would just be so amazed at incessantlyy(prenominal) thing we would have. He would just gaze off and facial expression at as if its a miracle. Especially coming from a golf club where you werent allowed to speak and you had to signal things. equality would compliments to learn everything contingent nearly the new technology beca wasting disease that is all he has ever valued to do. I dumbfound along that beca usage when he went to school they despised him because he was so hurt and he just wanted to learn more about the right things and new technology w ould be a big part in learn and learning for him.            Electricity impart have made a huge difference in the lives of everyone especially equality coming from a troupe where equivalence knew things and others didnt. Where equality discover the inflammation(a) bulb was in the underground playing area where he wasnt eve supposed to be but he snuck down there. When he was down there he discovered electricity by using two copper wires and some other things. If he wouldnt have done what he did we wouldnt have electricity which we use for almost everything, well most things. For example, the light bulb would be our new light source instead then candles. planning would also be new because we wouldnt use fire pits every more because we would have stoves and ovens to cook in. Equality just wouldnt know what to do with all of this electricity!              The society would be so different and equality would be able to have the fond relationship with Libe rty that he has ever wanted and he wouldnt ! even have to conceal it. Equality says, We looked into each(prenominal) others eyes and we knew that the breath of a miracle...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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