
Monday, January 27, 2014

Aloha Oè Lili'uokalani- Legacy of Hawaii's Last Queen

Queen Liliuokalani was Hawaiis last monarchial figure in power. She worked hard to restrain the springer and well-being of her people, being one of her first priorities, during her reign. being a descendant of chiefs that were treated like gods, she lived up to her heritage by serving as a figure of readiness and honor. Born in 1838, Liliuokalini was sent to a school with Hawaiis elite children to be better by the American missionaries. She learned to align polite American impost, and was therefore know guidegeable in both Hawaiian and westward cultures. Being very accomplished as a child, she had a great love of music that conduct to her composition of all over 160 songs later in her life, including the most famous, Aloha Oè. At the age of 24 she married a worldly concern from a big(p) family in Boston and moved into his plantation style house, majuscule Place. She looked to composing as a guard while her husband was out for long hours socializing. When Lydia was 38, her brother, Kalakaua, became king and named her his successor. During his dominate he attempt to maintain true to Hawaiian customs while capital of Hawaii was rapidly populating with whites, most of which involved in the sugar trade. In 1887, he was forced to sign a institution by the missionary boys, progeny of the first American missionaries on the islands, that gave him almost no power. The stress of this situation led to his death on January 1891, when Liliuokalani became queen. When in power, Liliuokalani desperately wanted to implement a new constitution that restored the rights of a monarch and the rights of the Hawaiians. She tried hard, that her cabinet was against it. The media called the queen a revolutionary. The Committee of Safety was hence formed by a group of American... If you want to attempt a full essay, night club it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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