
Friday, December 27, 2013

Leadership and Organizational Change Concepts Worksheet

Concept Application of Concept in the Scenario or framework advert to Concept in ReadingNon-technological catalysts for interchangeDue to emerging global shifts after kinfolk 11, 2001, Intersect Investment (like other companies in the monetary service industry) has struggled to maintain their financial status on seawall Street. To gratify this end, they have decided to implement changes in breach of appearance the organization in assure to provide spare products and services piece creating trust customer relationships that are long-term. The glide slope on September 11, 2001 was a non-technological catalyst that lead to the changes in climate for Intersect Investment. Cues for organizational change can exercise from numerous sources both within and outside of the company. They come from non-technology base out-of-door sources such(prenominal) as your competitors, the marketplace, demographic changes, and social issues. Things such as management zeal can also sign u p a need for change. It is eventful that a company?s internal environment aligns with external factors. For object lesson, Kreitner & Kinicki states that, ?The emergence of a global economy is forcing companies to change the way they do business,? (2003, p. 674). An example is given that, ?Many Japanese companies are having to discontinue their jobs-for-life doctrine because of increased world-wide competition, and Chinese companies increasingly are adopting an international mind-set,? (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2003, p. 674).
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