
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Critical thinking and forces of influence. This paper describes the forces of influence surrounding a sexual harrassent issue I dealt with.

This paper will describe a familiar single-foot incident that I dealt with as a retentiveness passenger car for Vans. The paper will be formatted as follows: setting, framing, thinking, new(prenominal) forces of influence, and differences. SETTING A few years ago when I was still operative as a store manager, I was approached by wiz of my underemployed salespeople. Michele was a pretty, intelligent, 18-year old senior who creamed for me 2-3 nights a week. She cuted the store on her day off asking to speak to me. She consequently relayed to me a series of incidents that occurred between her and my Assistant Manager, Jonathan. Jonathan was 24 years old. He had been working for me for approximately one year. He was a liberal surfer and skater who hold outd in Huntington Beach. Jonathan (I later piece out) was also a flirt who liked to compliment the girls who worked at Vans, along with reservation sexual innuendos or light jokes almost sex. Michele started to tell me her story. unbeknown to me, Jonathan had been flirting with Michele while at work for some time. He had made comments that alluded to his compulsioning to foretell her apartment (Michele did not live at home). In her words, she flirted back at him and gave him permission to fuck off to her apartment, thinking he would neer show up. One Saturday, Jonathan and Michele worked an opening bring up to go farher.
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He again made comments that he was going to visit her after work, and she agreed. Later that afternoon, he did show up, much to Micheles surprise. hold to Michele, they spent some time giving each other(a) backrubs, which led to kissing. At this point Jonathan started asking her to go evolve with him physically, stating! that he wanted to have sex with her. She then... this is a in truth detailed essay about dealing with a sexual harrassment issue in the workplace. Great Job! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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