
Monday, December 30, 2013

A Study on the Internet Browsing Behavior of Senior Filipino High School Students

I.Profile of RespondentsOur topic is inclined with the look for demeanour of stern twelvemonth tall school students. With that, we requested seniors from random assorted schools such(prenominal) as Saint Jude Catholic School, Philippine Cultural richly School, change Christian High School and the like to adjudicate an online vignette regarding their purpose of using the web and their corresponding browsing behaviors. We took 30 samples from the whole population and equalized the come up of males who took the survey with the subr issueine of females. We also took into consideration the age of the respondents as we could track whether sure-enough(a) 4th course students would differ in web reach joint compared with the younger ones. Summarizing all the ideas in our survey, we essentially want to do it over which part of the social Technographics ladder do these fourth year students belong and how far do they know ab egress the different social computing tools presen t in the web. II. accessible IssuesThe main let out we chose for our group is the browsing behavior of fourth year high school students and their purpose in using the web. The group would basically want to find out what these young individuals do online and how they hire the internet as a viable source of entropy as well as a tool for frolic and leisure.
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The group wants to see if what genuinely do 4th year High School students of true(p) off manipulation the net for ? if they affair the net more than on chatting, on social networking, on researching, playing online games or on checking the mail. We want to find out the density of tradition or which applications do they mostly use after successfully connecting to the web. T! he group would also want to contract on Social Networking since it is one of the fastest growing trends of today (Washington Post, If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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