
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Coastal Erosion

Coastal wearing at Happisburgh, Norfolk Happisburgh, on Norfolks North nautical strand, is a village with a population of 1400 people in about 600 houses. The village contains a notable stone church dating from the 14th century, an impressive manor house, listed buildings and a celebrated red and white striped lighthouse (Figure 1). Although at present a borderal village, Happisburgh was once some distance from the sea, parted from the coast by the parish of Whimpwell, long since eroded away. Historic records indicate that everywhere 250 m of land were lost between 1600 and 1850. Figure 1 The eroding coast at Happisburgh in Norfolk.(Photo: © Mike Page) to a greater extent recently the town was affected by the tragic floods of 1953 that claimed the lives of 76 Norfolk residents. Figure 2 gives an example of the rapid coastal erosion at Happisburgh. Coastal defences built at Happisburgh have slowed mountain the rate of retreat. However, large sections are now in d isrepair. low-lying rise and climate change, including attachd storminess, may likewise increase the rate of erosion.
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Agriculture and tourism contribute importantly to the sparing of the village and surrounding hinterland although this is threatened by the recede cliff line that, prior to the construction of a rocknroll embankment at the northern end of the survey site, had claimed at least one property per year plus epoch-making quantities of bucolic land. Figure 2 Cliff top position in 2004 this had retreated a further 20 metres in 2007. 1992 lively photograph © Environment Agency, reproduced with kind permission of the Shoreline direction Group, (Anglian Region). elabo rated geology The cliffs at Happisburgh ran! ge in height from 6 to 10 m and are composed of a layer-cake ecological succession of some(prenominal) glacial tills (Figure 3), separated by beds of stratified silt, clay and pay off wit (Hart, 1987; Lunkka, 1988; Hart, 1999; Lee, 2003). The basal unit within the stratigraphic succession at Happisburgh is the How mound Member of the Wroxham Crag...If you want to get a copious essay, drift it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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