
Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Information and story Functions What is the function of contemporary accountants? What is an account line information strategy (AIS)? Changes in technology have alter the role of accountants. Traditionally, AIS has had its have got set of specific functions and has relied on its own devices, such as journals and ledgers, and its own procedures, double-entry bookkeeping. write up developed, maintained, and operated the AIS independently of some other business functions. Accountants were narrowly foc engagementd on the production and validity of monetary information. at a time they atomic number 18 information function specialists and business consultants. Traditional View of accounting Traditional functions of an AIS resign recording, storing, processing, and reporting financial information and related non-financial information (for example, corrupt dates and depreciation methods for fixed assets). Traditionally history has focused on periodic, historical, and agg regated data, primarily in the form of financial statements. It has been dispose largely to financial transactions. Accounting schemas are self-contained and standardized. Accounting information is restricted to stewardship and analysis decisions that use the financial accounting model. Emphasis is on objectivity and reliability of information. Accounting is redact from other business functions; the accountant plays the role of scorekeeper. Transition to Computers The passkey use of computers in accounting focused on automating the record-keeping function. manual of arms books were replaced by computer books.
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The automated clays retained the same functions, desire toward the account ing cycle, and retained an emphasis on finan! cial statements as in the traditional view. Computers made accounting functions faster, less expensive, and much accurate. Database Accounting Systems Under a database system, accounting is part of the way information system. The system aims to capture all aspects of economic events relevant to decision makers. The orientation is toward decision making, not just financial statements. The emphasis is on relevance and timeliness. Transactions and financial statements are part of the system products, If you want to get a well(p) essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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