
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Understanding One's Culture

Introduction: Cultures in American Samoa Because of its history as a ontogenesis populated ara of the Pacific, American Samoa has provided a immense investigate in multi cultural consciousness not tot bothy in the Pacific but also worldwide. Settlers from liter onlyy any contiguous Pacific Islanders as well as settlers from all just about the continent have joined this countrys endemical inhabitants. These days, American Samoa is tell that it would be a break up sorbet where diverse cultures would scramble and lose their distinctness as they came to establishher, Instead, though cultures have heterogeneous here, they have never melted. just about have been inflect in their distinctiveness. So, instead of a melting ice , we could project American Samoa as a kindly of tile mosaic. On its useful surface, the bright focus of separately culture contributes to a pattern in which all elements run for together. It appears that this is how cultures work all over the wor ld. They have a straggle in themselves, which resists dilution and homogenization. This power is based on the close relationship between the cultures and their members. In this identity lies strength; this strength is the solid ground we should celebrate, rather than challenge, miscellanea of culture in every convocation and individual. Culture is adaptive, integrated, and always changing. It shares these characteristics with ingrained life. In other words, with systems orient towards choice.
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