
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gwendolyn Brooks Explication

Gwendolyn Brooks Explication love note I: reliablely for sure you stay my certain own, you stay My you. All honest, lofty as a cloud. Surely I could come now and supervene you high, As mine as you ever were; should not be awed. Surely your word would pop as insolent As always: ?Why, of course I love you, dear.? Your gaze, surely, ungauzed as I could want. Your touches, that never were careful, what they were. Surely ? But I am very(prenominal) stumble from that. From surely. From indeed. From the decent arrow That was my clean naivete and my faith. This break of twenty-four hour period men deliver wounds and death. They will deliver death and wounds tomorrow. And I doubt all. You. Or a violet.
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