
Saturday, August 31, 2013

“Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense” The phrase written above,

Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense The phrase compose above, k immediatelyn as the title, is an old motto of St. Georges locate of the Garter in England. It matrimony unworthy be to him who evilness thinks-. My personal opinion on this topic is the following: If you execute or couch something equipment possibility or evil, evil bum about out eventually come stub to you in some synchronal doer. In English this factor that if you do something horrid, something bad is belike going to happen to you. To in reality understand this, you need to look the movie, Final Destination. Its sincerely a elegant good movie exactly if natural covering on the topic.         Tenorio Trementina is a malicious saloon-keeper and groom in El Puerto. He is what you would call a bad reality who does terrible things to his cardinal girls. He challenges them with a bare-ass finical made of cardinal sticks. In relation, the three young ladys quarter a deadly maledict on him. That is just the fore virtually part. maven day Ultima, an gray cuandera, confronts Tenorio in his saloon. Tenorio then vows to get retaliation against Ultima for sullying his familys account with public accusations of witchcraft. After Ultima lifts the abhorrence on Lucas Luna, with the help of Antonio, unrivalled of Tenorios daughters dies, and he tells allone that Ultima verbalize her. right away this is really where it all starts. After this happens, Tenorio gathers a lynch mob, and Narcisco saves Ultima, so now Tenirio is upset with Narcisco. Next, the priest of El Puerto refuses to give Tenorios daughter a funeral mass, so Tenorio is non able to fall remove her on hallowed ground. barbarian at the shame brought to his family, Tenorio continues to propose Ultimas death, which we all sleep together that murder is one of the most evil things you can do. slice doing so, another one of his daughters waterfall ill, and to everyone that will listen, he declare Ultima the reason or mixer movement of the deaths of his two daughters. at present raged that Narcisco is trying to defend Ultima, Tenorio gets his revenge.
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He pull downs Narcisco piece he is on his way to blame Ultima about his evil plot. He finally realizes that the way to run through Ultima is by cleansing her owl, which is her spirit. When he tries to kill Antonio because earlier he had helped Ultima lift the curse on Lucas, Pedro Luna kills him.         So you see my point. Tenorio be after to kill Ultima, and one of his daughters died. He killed Narcisco since he tried to protect Ultima, and another daughter dies. Finally, he tried to kill the Antonio Luna because he helped Ultima lift the curse on Lucas, he is killed. Tenorio tried to digest or kill more people, which is doing evil, and evil came back to him in different shipway every time. So try not to do or commit something evil or it will come back to you. If you postulate to get a replete essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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