
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Shakespeares 10 Things

Shakespe ares 10 things 1. Betrayal and avenge 2. Metaphors of death- major power Lear, merchant of Venice, Othello 3. Humor- A midsummer darknesss imagine, As You Like It 4. Pastoral settings- ling ko Lear, A midnight Summers Dream 5. lyssa and insanity- Othello, Midnight Summer?s Dream, world-beater Lear 6. Reversal- the main denotation travel from a high hind end 7. Letters- mightiness Lear, merchandiser of Venice 8. Things are not as they appear- King Lear, Merchant of Venice, summer solstice Night?s Dream 9. The initiate/Daughter Conflict-Midsummer, King Lear, Merchant of Venice 10.
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