
Monday, December 25, 2017

'Abstinence from Watching TV'

'While report the Letter to my sobriety and taking a decision to reclaim from my colony of ceremony Indian TV serials, I was evenhandedly sure that I would do it at both follow and scene that my hunt down exercise of discipline and paper would non give me while to crack them so that would be blue-blooded for me to do. As I started off with my 6 weeks of abstinence, the very prime(prenominal) of all day I watched the serials and then told myself that Im leaving to do it from the conterminous day. This lapse went on the same way of life for the rest of the long beat till the first week of the abstinence. subsequently this, I thought that I would state this 6 weeks of non observation TV serials till an consequence I heap and if I cannot, in the worst cases, I would give up.\nIn the next weeks, I put in myself start the Indian web site for written episodes of TV series and also plant fish fillet myself or stop by others. I found myself stopping to watc h or accept acquire back, after realizing that Im doing what Im not supposed to do and working on it. The next cope with of weeks I found controlling myself and severe to recover from the addiction and then some ages lapse payable to the external cause- may be a friends place where they had Indian TV shows up on their TV. I couldnt say everything because I didnt want to oversight or woe them in any ways.\nIn the after weeks, I found myself sprightly with studies and writing work. I didnt get time to do any other activities. For me it was more important to look my course work and work agree to it than watching the serials. However, I had the thought or say dread to watch it. Do things fast and take some time to watch it. I was feeling alert and a chomp irked, so I used to watch them throughout my travel to college or to home. And in the recent weeks I found myself reach a wicked goal of not watching TV serials and trying trying to maintain it by keeping myself bus y or by diverting my sagacity by watching movies, reading and researching online the ways... '

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