
Sunday, August 20, 2017

'Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Racism'

'Since the field of genial psychology premier(prenominal) began its investigation into the phenomenon of racial discrimination and prejudice, a bout of of import theories hurt been constructed in an move to effectively carry prejudice and bring home the bacon theoretical keenness into the various ship thr unrivaledal in which we as a society, individuals, and psychologists atomic number 18 to help variety show this sizable global issue. Such mixer mental theories hold: Authoritarian disposition Theory, The Frustration intrusion Hypothesis, Realist Conflict conjecture, accessible Identity Theory, genial Learning conjecture, neighborly Cognition and cognitive dissension theory. each of these theories has provided theoretical incursion into various important factors that argon applicable to the formulation, maintenance, and expression of prejudice. However, of each the social psychological theories that have move to effectively have a bun in the oven preju dice and in so doing engender ways of reduce its grossly deadly effects on the individual and society, Festingers (1957) theory of Cognitive Dissonance seems genius of the al to the highest degree relevant to the clinical applications of working with anti-Semite(a) individuals, primarily because the theory provides clinicians with both significant conceptual and matter-of-fact insight into two of the primary psychological elements that are most relevant to the puzzle out of helping clients smorgasbord their racist or prejudicial viewpoints in treatment, namely the relative process that exists among an individuals cognitions and the behavioral consequences that get along as a result.\nThe theory of cognitive dissonance, according to Festinger (1957), postulates that pairs of cognitions can be all related or unrelated to unity an another(prenominal). If two cognitions are related to ane another, they are considered hence to be every consonant or inharmonious. For two cognitions to be consonant one must maintain directly from the other; they are considered dissonant if the inverse of one cognition follows from the other.... If you deficiency to get a full essay, launch it on our website:

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