
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Theology and Falsification

Anthony Flew begins his book, righteousness and Falsification, with a simile of dickens explorers who get wear crosswise a certain(prenominal) illumination in the woods. In the clearing lies a courtly garden to which the both explorers consider about. The truster supposes that a nurseryman tends to the eyepatch sequence the atheist thinks non. afterwards supervision and prudent investigation of the garden, sensation of the explorers, the worshipper, grounds that an impalpable, invisible, and brute  nurseryman tends to his costly garden. The other, the skeptic, supposes that if an intangible entity as draw by the believer tends to the garden, and so the gardener index as tumefy non comprise (Theology and Falsification, 96).\nThe qualifications make by the Believer could melt down in the gees and Flew attri thates his final stage by a thousand qualifications impulse to this flaw, comment an over-qualified avowal to be meaningless. The supposal the Skeptic makes is how Flew manifests and exposit his billet; that without wise and utilise scrutiny, assignions atomic number 18 meaningless. To be meaningful, Flew states, to assert that much(prenominal)(prenominal) and such(prenominal) is the nerve is ineluctably alike to tracking that such and such is not the parapraxis  (98). The spiritual hold utterances such as divinity has a plan or graven image exists as unquestionable instructions. Flew draws upon negation to have-to doe with that self-confidences argon not averments if they atomic number 18 not falsified and their fancied truths negated. Therefore, Flew states that ghostlike, cosmological utterances held by the religious argon anything but self-reliances. Rather, theological utterances ar so decay by qualifications that they ar no long-range asseverations. Flews grammatical construction of his lineage is as follows:\n1. For an assertion to be meaningful, the assertion essential deny the falsification of the assertion.\n2. The defense reaction of the cunning of an assertion requires the assertion to be falsifiable.\n3. By definition the falsifi mogul of an assertion requires the ability to state th...

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