
Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Artificial Mind

learning activity is a broad line that can invite umteen different meanings to it. M all world power have intelligence in educational fields; date anothers intelligence may be in daily life activities: communication, street smarts, cooking and so on. password is everywhere and in everything, and as it progresses to great things, so does applied science. As time goes by, and as applied science becomes a great spot in the lives of many, people put level to question whether this advancement has an issue on the intelligence of the benevolent mind. Carr is like many others, has verbalize that this technology has made the valet de chambre mind less relevant and has become an near intelligence, create the benignant mind to not truly understand any concept. New changes sometimes postulate negative views beca engagement the work entrap is not k at present yet. engine room brings a new musical mode of thinking that is so practically faster and clearer in a vogue th at it does not have not negative thing.\nNicholas Carr is and astray cognize writer that is kn k straightledge by his books and blogs in which he makes clear observations about technology and its effect on the human mind. In one of his pieces Is Google make Us Stupid? Carr makes clear to the audience that technology has slowed down the understanding of the brain do the humans intelligence artificial (in his own words). Carr tries showing the readers that the net profit itself is weakening the reading habits of those who use the computer often. He uses many of his colleagues as examples of how their reading has changed and the way the take in information, as well as his own experience. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the open air like a poke fun on a spout Ski ( Carr733). Carr uses this as a way to show that he once read and took in all the information slowly and processed it, but now his way of taking in the information has become a good deal faster and he now skims through the readings just to become the major point or answer he...

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