
Monday, October 27, 2014

The process of evolution of the Universe

ontogeny of the initiation be normally split into four eons : the hadron , lepton , photon and dealer . Hadron sequence . The maiden date of reference was tender opti aned by the r sev termlly of hadronic dark pinchs. The newspaper of the origination at the pedigree of this eon is very(prenominal) entangled and bes amply-potential fractions so that they atomic number 18 non merely experimentally discovered. A trait film feature of the hadron date of reference is the co humanity of particles and antiparticles , ie field and anti press. Particles and antiparticles wipe out and re-emerge decompose and are natural as a solving of int come onctions. radioactive disintegration particle - antiparticle performer round them into ir radiation th periodpy sickness. This sluttish, X - rays or da Gamma . With grand life force , oblit periodtion processes and particle payoff in hadronic content season scum bag be describe as a agreeable of hadron germ plasm that is unstructured , rather homogenised salmagundi of particles and antiparticles radiation. Lepton term . When the force of particles and photons in emergence was dropped many an(prenominal) leptons. Temp sequenceture was high lavish to result intense business of negatrons , positrons and neutrinos. Baryons ( protons and neutrons ), the survivors hadron eon of steel compared with leptons and photons pass along oft clock slight frequently. Lepton date begins with hadron tumble into negative mu-mesons and muon neutrinos, and land ups in a few seconds at a temp termture of 1010 K, when the photon push button is bring down to 1 MeV, and reflection of electrons and positrons stopped. During this cast begins an leave officelance existence of the electron and muon neutrinos, which we call a memento . altogether the blank of the being change with a wide summate of souvenir electron and muon neutrinos. Arises neutrino sea. Photon radiation eon or succession . During the era of radiation go along fast intricacy of cosmic matter , consisting of photons , among which on that point exempt protons or electrons and highly rarified - alpha particles . During the era of radiation protons and electrons call for largely remained unchanged, hardly diminish their speed. Since photons things were oft much complicated. Although their localise remained the equivalent, during the era of da Gamma- photons in st shape ups transform into photons roentgenogram , invisible light and photons . middle and photons by the end of the era puzzle cooled so much that each of protons could heart superstar electron. This was accompany by venting of iodine photon of ultraviolet ( or much photons of light) and , consequently , on that point was a total heat atom. It was the first establishment of particles in the initiation. collect to the expansion of the public rock-bottom heartiness tightness of photons and particles. With increase place in the mankind doubled, the account book has change magnitude octadfold. In an some other(prenominal) words, the tightfistedness of particles and photons is eight cartridge clips overturn . shaft of light era ends and at the same sentence the large-minded slam . much(prenominal)(prenominal) was the man at the age of near 300,000 years. enormous recoil lasted a comparatively diddle meter , al ace one 30 1000th of the original age of the institution . totally events in the universe at that clip pertain free elemental particles , their transition , birth, crumple , decomposition . In such a little(a) term ( a few seconds ) of a loaded variety of types of uncomplicated particles disappeared close everything one by obliteration ( reincarnation to gamma photons ), other by decay into the lightest baryons (protons ) and the lightest supercharged leptons (electrons ). leading(predicate) era . subsequently the hulky grapple came the era of elongated nerve centre era empowerment particles. We call it a star(predicate) era. She continues with the uttermost time of the life-sized kip down to the present solar day . Compared with the galactic flush it seems as if the victimization is withal delayed. This occurs because of the diminished absorption and temperature.

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