
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The essay is on the training of the Roman armies and there place in socity. With Bibliograph.

During the Roman Empire its army was considered almost unconquerable. They became a feared contrive known to be well disciplined and well trained. The soldiers had to be strong and fit. These soldiers would have to draw their weapons and provisions for approximately two weeks. They had to win their battles not only done their power only if also with their courage and intelligence. The recruitment of the soldiers were based on citizenship and wealth. The demarcation was that if a man had property that he was to risk in battle, he would fight for it until the end. He would also arm himself at his expense. The citizens were classified by their wealth into 5 classes. The wealthiest class ground level the Legion. The rest of the 4 classes were do up of the rest of the army. Officers were taken from leading citizens and they joined the Order of Knights, or Equities. This was all through at their own expense. They were provided with a horse, which was paid for by t he long-familiar purse. Since the troops were to provide their own weapons and armor, they needed to be in reality wealthy. The wealthiest were in the first class. They were heavily armed and equipped distribute a warrior with a helmet, round shield, greaves and breastplate do of bronze. They carried a spear and a sword. The lesser classes wore less deal and weaponry while the fifth class did not run away armor and only carried a sling.(Watson 77) The Roman army carried standards. Standards were wonderful poles topped with various symbols; these symbols could be many types of animals or symbols. During the Empire, the visualize of the emperor was added to the standard. The standard served as an important practical function. respectively century, cohort and legion had its own standard. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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