
Saturday, February 8, 2014

The American Pageant Chapters 10 & 11 Vocabulary

Chapter 10 & 11 vocab * Louisiana Purchase- The territory divvy up by France to the US in 1803, comprising the western serving of the treble sclerosis valley. * Farewell Address- written by President George Washington, create in a Philadelphia newspaper in 1796 to announce that he would non run for a third term and to advise against governmental parties and having permanent foreign alliances * Proclamation of Neutrality- The Proclamation of Neutrality issued by George Washington on April 22, 1793, saying that the fall in States were breathing out to be neutral in the conflict amidst France and Great Britain. * XYZ affair- french secret agents demanded a bribe and a loan to France in the middle of negotiating a dispute over the Jay Treaty * coppice of Saratoga- a major battle of the of the American Revolution (1777) * whisky Rebellion- a 1794 protest over a tax revenue on all liquor made and sold in the unite States * nation alist Papers- eighty-five essays written by Alexander Hamilton, pack Madison, and posterior Jay to persuade the voters of New York to adopt the Constitution. * Great Compromise- an harmony between large and small offers reached during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 that in part outlined the legislative structure and representation that each assert would watch under the United States Constitution. It proposed a bicameral general assembly * BUS- made to trade the financial needs and requirements of the new profound government of the impertinently formed United States. * Marbury vs Madison- the Supreme teasing reaffirmed that the Constitution gave the Court the authority of judicial review * McCulloch vs Maryland- the federal official government has implied powers to carry out, without state interference, any and all rights tending(p) by the Constitution, the Court control that the federal government could take on a bank and a state could not tax it. * Judiciary act 1789- Federal powe! r to be in one supreme court, and it allowed for recounting to make...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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