
Friday, February 7, 2014

Of Mice and Men: Importance of Dreams

Many people cave in stargazes in Of Mice and Men skilful now I intend to discuss the woolgathers of Lennie, glass everyplace and Curleys wife.   Lennies reverie is of owning a farm of his own with George. In his dream he looks by and by the rabbits. He likes this idea because he likes to pamper things and the micro things he finds as he is locomotion around, like mice, are excessively easily hurt or killed when he pets them heavily. Rabbits are heavy(p) enough for him to look after without botheration them. He in addition remembers that he used to pet rabbits when he lived with his Aunt Clara.   As George and Lennie travel around they tell apart each other their dream as a fashion of coping with the l wholenessliness of existence migrant workers in the States in the 1930s. Unlike approximately men in their position, they redeem something to look forward to and something to share. At the beginning of the novel, it seems that George and Lennies dre am is sightly a fantasy that give never come true, tho when they meet dulcify things change. Candy has almost enough notes to buy a small farm. If George and Lennie save their money and dont enchant canned (fired from their jobs) it seems that the three of them would really be able to come done their dream. Lennies dream also affects Crooks, the stable buck. Lennie shares his dream with him and for a moment even Crooks has a vision of a better life.   Candy doesnt have much hope at the start of the story, tho when he meets Lennie and George and finds out what they are planning, he suddenly sees how his early could be different. Candy is most stressed slightly cosmos useless. He knows that he is employed on the ranch because he lost his hand there, but he is afraid that in conclusion he will be canned. If this happens, he will have nowhere to go and no one to care about him. When he hears George and Lennies dream he sees a future in which he will own a farm an d be forever safe from being canned. He is w! illing to get up his compensation money to achieve his dream and he has the pleasure of planning what he...If you want to get a bountiful essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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