
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Breast Cancer1

depreciator cancer1 Introduction, Signs and Symptoms, Terminology, Definitions ? iodin Patients diagnosed with disparager cancer should obtain a second opinion as soon as possible. Chapter 2 ? 1 Breast cancer begins with a single glandular mutation in the converge. ? ONE Risks Previous breast cancer, diachronic period over 50 and strong history of family breast cancer increases a patient?s risk for breast cancer. ? ONE Risks Minor risk factors allow in menarche at 12 old age or younger, onset of menopause after(prenominal)wards age 55, having no children or first child after age 30, and manner of breast cysts or pre-cancerous breast disease. ? ONE Risks Unproven just now potential risk factors include high fat diet, obesity, alcohol, radiation syndrome exposure, pesticide, other environmental pollutants and estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women with strong family h istory of breast cancer. ? ONE Signs and symptoms After phoebe bird years, when tumor reaches half inch in diameter, canc...If you want to set down a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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