
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Autism And Mental Retardation

Axia College Material Appendix F Autism and Mental Retardation act to the following: 1. List the old features of autism. Some of the primary features of autism is hinderances in complaisant interactions; impairments in communications, circumscribe interest in things about them, and repetitive behavior. In the social impairment they do non wish to be touched, does not interact with others, and just sits and continues to do what they be doing without acknowledging your presence. The communication impairment is where most of them have not amplifyed decorous pictorial speech to communicate with others. 2. Which explanation for autism is no long-lived considered logical and lacks research support? This is the belief that childhood vaccinations butt arrange autism. It was believed that thimerisal in the vaccines caused autism but research has shown this not to be the case. at that place have been exceptions made for the populate who had a specifi c inheritable predisposition. If you go back to the 1950s the speculation of refrigerator mothers by Bruno Bettleheim, was that cold and distant mothers didnt stupefy with their children, causing them to develop autism and possibly other conditions such as schizophrenia. 3. What forms of discussion are helpful for a person with autism? thither are more often than not 3 categories of treatment for a person with autism: biomedical, information, and complimentary approaches. percent of the Complementary rise is to take on art, animal therapy, and music. Some of the learning approaches can include: Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA); Picture throw Communication Systmes (PECS): glacial Response Treatment:. Floor meter: Sensory integration: Social Stories: Faciltated Communication; Speech Therapy; and occupational Therapy. Medications, mineral supplements, dietetic interventions, and vitamins are some of the biomedical approaches. Autism affects people on an in dividual(a) basis so the treatments have to ! be done by a trial basis to guarantee which one...If you want to cut a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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