
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Great Schism

the great schism The Great Schism During the late fourteenth century and the early 15th century thither was a great division in the Catholic Church. The pontificate was fair(a) blurred. The concenter of the Roman Catholic Church had been moved from jacket of Italy to the city of Avignon during the reign of pope Clement V; and in that location was now a movement to return the center of proponent back to capital of Italy. This movement was first truly seen at a lower place pontiff Gregory XI and his successor Pope Urban VI. preferably Pope Urban V had moved the center to Rome nevertheless it had been proven to be no more than a fly-by-night idea; he had gone back to Avignon to crumble and there his replacement, Pope Gregory XI was elected . This along with former(a) political problems and circumstances created a split in the committal among diverse cities and countries between the two popes. In 1377 Pope Gregory XI had ree stablished the Papacy in Rome which had previously been in Avignon. In the uncertainties of the events that followed the dying ...If you want to get a full essay, company it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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