
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Plato and his views on Rome

Plato Platos deification society was certainly non capital of Italy. capital of Italys conduct were alike selfish to be anywhere close to perfect. luxuriant business attracter, simplicity and injustices could be seen with any and all of its drawing cards. Plato matt-up state leaders should be well-educated philosophers, in fellowship to make intoxicating decisions for the benefit of the state. Platos next ideal was a strong and audacious military whose prime motivation was to look and protect. The army of Rome was mainly lower-class men nerve-racking to climb the accessible ladder. The last of Platos ideals had to do with happiness and a higher actor or goodness. The spirituality of the Romans was fickle and non too convincing, their team spirit was headed downhill. All these factors contri hardlyed to the fall of the Empire, in turn, proving Platos ideals completely wrong.         The first ideal discussed by Plato is for the leaders of the o utlandish to be well-educated philosophers. He believes they will make acute decisions that will help to purify the society. Plato also says the best leader is the one that doesnt want to be. Julius Caesar would not live up to Platos ideals because he was too obsessed with power. Although he was given the opportunity to be king during the period of the Republic, Caesar declined versed that he already had much influence over the citizens of Rome than a king would. He did not need this buckram title of respect to change integrity his power. He was unwilling to take the title of king, which was intensely dislike by the Roman upper classes, but he had no intention of giving up his maneuver (Spielvogel 140). Julius Caesar may present been respected, but a longing for power and control do him. The next heir was Octavian, an unjust leader that Plato would have despised. He ended up... If you want to get a full essay, rewrite it on o ur website: OrderEssay.net

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