
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Force of Friction Lab, Gr.12 Physics

                                                      Introduction The purpose of this lab is to determine:         the coefficient of skirmish among a galosh stopper and a woody extract         the coefficient of unruffled friction in the midst of a woody block and a woody act         the coefficient of energizing friction between a wooden banish and a wooden do The design of this experiment was done by placing a rubber stopper / wooden block onto a wooden behave and tilting the storm at a sure degree to incite out the stopper / block to move. The measurements of the vertical exceed and space of the wooden ramp would be needed in grass to calculate the silent coefficient of the two objects. However, too acknowledge the kinetic coefficient of the two objects, the distance that the wooden block travelled and the succession it took to t ravel that certain distance would also be required. The unaffiliated variable is time and the dependant variable is ____________________. Hypothesis:         coefficient of static friction on a rubber stopper and a wooden ramp is great than the coefficient of static friction on a wooden block and a wooden ramp because rubber will resist more as it goes crossways a surface than wood         coefficient of static friction on a wooden block and a wooden ramp is greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction on a wooden block and a wooden ramp because it requires more force to impersonate an object sorrowful wherefore to keep it moving at a constant Diagram Materials Metre generate Stop watch Tape Rubber stopper woody block Wooden ramp Procedure Coefficient between a rubber stopper and a wooden ramp: 1.         A rubber stopper was position onto a wooden ramp, the length of the wooden ramp was measured 2.          The wooden ramp was then tilted at! an angle to cause the rubber stopper... If you exigency to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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