
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Five Years in the Future

Juliana fidgeted nervously in the straight-backed soften she had been assigned to. In front of her sat a grim-aired examiner with a lookup kindred an extremely old owl. He peered all over his indispensable glasses with pursed lips, making the victim of his penetrating stare and inhumane interrogating skills even more frightened. The atmosphere within the tiny oppugn room was suffocating and uneasy, but Juliana didnt dare to break the ice. She had been perplex big money there for nearly an hour in tranquilize charm the shrewd, probing officer of learning examined her portfolio, throwing steely glances over the typography every once in a while. afterward what seemed like an eternity, he set down the document and folded his hands. He said, beetle-browed all the way, Youre in. Juliana nearly fell out of her chair from relief. Th-thank you, sir! He simply nodded and waved his hand in dismissal. The senior exalted schooler urged herself non to run as she left the s tuffy office. One cosmetic surgery ride and a stroll down the hallway later, Juliana was pull up a face into the bright sunlight shining down on Savannah, Georgia. smack much more relaxed from leaving that halt examination room, and the situation that she got into the college of her dreams, she let out a cry of laughter and did a tiny victory dance, though she halt quickly. Passers-by were giving her unique looks. She darted off to her car, walking with a defined spring in her step. A few minutes later, Juliana was seated in the air-conditioned, coffee-smelling environment of Starbucks. Being a native to this land, she do sure to date the farthest chez chair from the group of locals to drink her soda. (Who drinks coffees in a coffee shop, anyway?) She found few satisfaction in seeing a posse of young girls reading the contain that she herself had compose. She mulled over what had happened to herself over the last 5 years: She had through with(p) what she ha d dreamed of doing all her life; she had wri! tten a book. She had force an accomplished violinist. She...If you want to get a full essay, enounce it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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