
Saturday, January 25, 2014

D2 Justify Ways of Overcoming Difficulities That May Arise Whrn Implementing Anti-Discriminatory Practice in...

Difficulties that whitethorn stick up when implementing anti-discriminatory coiffe and ways of overcoming the difficulties in wellness and brotherly tutorship In this unit so distant I obligate looked at ways in which individuals should be set in health and social guardianship settings. I have also looked at legislation, policies and discrimination. In health and social burster, it is cardinal to be overseeful with what you say and do. This is so that you do non create offence to anyone or discriminate against a authoritative individual or group of individuals. It is important to promote anti-discriminatory utilisation when working in health and/or social care settings however; when you are implementing this, there crumb be some(prenominal) difficulties. Below I am going to discuss the difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice and I am going to relinquish ways of overcoming the difficulties. First of all, in health and soc ial care it is likely that you are going to come across other workers and professionals that are exhibit discrimination to certain service users. This occur the bounce make service users feel unworthy and post sincerely lower their confidence and self esteem. As a professional, if you pay heed this happening, it is your duty to challenge the worker. This freighter be done in a number of ways. Firstly, you can direct challenge cusss or other professionals who you believe are showing discriminatory practice. This can sometimes be difficult as it can cause conflict. It is important that you remain calm and only say to your colleague that you believe what they did was wrong. They power agree with you and explain to the service user. This substance that this difficulty has been overcome, however on the go through; the colleague might become aggressive and demand that they were non being discriminative. If this happens, you should enunciate them your side and express your w ays of which they can do it better. some ot! her problem that may arise would be if the colleague sour around and out right said that...If you want to part a full essay, methodicalness it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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