
Sunday, December 29, 2013


Describe the Role and Power of Magistrates There atomic number 18 both(prenominal) 30,374 lay magistrates in England and Wales, 15,858 men and 14,516 women, appointed by the churchman Chancellor or the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in the consult of the Crown. Magistrates are ordinary members of the community who mount in the Magistrates Courts and who give justice the lowest level of the English salute system. They are unpaid for what they do and on that pointfore are non servants of the Crown. This supports their gravel of rectitude mingled with the Crown and the public whom they serve. English lay magistrates are not learned in the law - they do not hold well-grounded qualifications, nor have they formally studied law to any level other than that which they may have through at school. There may be some exceptions - there are legal professionals who are also lay magistrates - exclusively the vast majorities are just ordinary members of the public. They do, however, undergo a vast amount of training so that they can arrange their juridical functions correctly and within the law. There are trio Magistrates (also known as justices of peace) who grow decisions in salute. Only i magistrate has very limited powers e.g. warrants. Magistrates take smash in summer-blooming trials, committal proceedings, and ancillary matters e.g.
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issuing warrants, bail applications, and youth court and family court. Cases hear in the Magistrates Court are termed summary cases and are, supposedly, to be dealt with quickly with summary justice. These slope to be the simple, petty crimes of day-to-day existence. The Magistrates Court used to be known as li ttle(a) Sessions. For more serious crimes th! e accused is charged on bill of indictment and sent to the Crown Court to be tried there. In between summary and indictable offences there are a whole range of... If you fate to get a respectable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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