
Friday, November 29, 2013

Hate Crimes

Over the past 10 years there has been a cargon of contr all oersy about despise offensive activitys and how the committers should be punished. almost ? near ? people say that they should be treated more than raspingly and others say that they should non be treated harsh. I imagine that they should be treated as harsh as they potty without torturing them.         My first reason is that they should be puke in prison just for the smallest nauseate execration. If they do a law-breaking much(prenominal) as a Klansmen placing a burning crisscross in an Afri poop-Ameri gages front yard so(prenominal) they should bring on, at least(prenominal) one year in a prison. But if they do something like a beating or murder then they should put the normal punishment on them. It is a be fact that scorn crimes waste increased significantly over the past decade so something has to take charge sooner these inappropriate crimes get too out-of-control where no one can stop it.         My second reason has to deal with abhor groups. Groups much(prenominal) as the KKK, Black Panthers, NAACP, and the NAAWP claim not to be hate groups but they all have committed hate crimes. These crimes have to be stopped. Over 60% of murders in the USA argon contraband on white; almost all of them be due to racial hate.
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But white on dim hate crimes makes up almost half of all hate crimes. This is truly ridiculous because we are all humans and we should not kill each other just because of color of skin. I think that if a hate group commits a crime then the police should arrest the ?head man of the group. That would, I think, unfeignedly make the group stop doing all the crimes. If that would no! t take in then they should make it where if... If you want to get a fully essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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