
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Greek Civilization

Greek shade OUTLINE: I. INTRODUCTION - Brief statements on; A. The Minoan?s B. The Mycenaean?s C. The Spartan?s D. The Athenian?s II. BRONZE AGE A. The Aegean reality B. The Tools of the Bronze Age III. MINOAN?S A. polish on Crete B. Minoan Society C. Minoan Palaces D. The Knossos E. Linear A, Linear B tablets F. The Minoan Caves IV. MYCENAEAN?s A. Decline of the Minoan Civilization B. The War-like Mycenaean?s C. Linear B tablets D. Fall of Mycenaean Civilization V. ATHENS A. Athenian Society B.
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Fall of capital letter of Greece VI. SPARTA A. Spartan Society B. Fall of Sparta VII. CONCLUSION Introduction In 2000 B.C.E, the Greeks settled the lands that were surrounded by the waters of the Aegean ocean and created a culture that shaped Western heritage forever. The Greeks bind history when they settled in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Asia Minor, and Syria-Palestine. The first cultures in Greece arose in the later 3rd and 2nd millennia: the Minoan...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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