
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ap World History Chapters 1-5

Atqiya Syed June 24, 2012 Chapter 1 1) The need for food ca put ond slow and gradual migration of manhood from Africa in the paleolithic Age. Colder climates became easier to live in after the office of grow and animal strip down. The need for more(prenominal)(prenominal) animal skin became greater and in like manner contributed to the spreading of human race. Another part was that in the palaeolithic Age, the human species began to flourish. They developed different languages and groups of gentlemans gentleman with different beliefs emerged. This in all homogeneouslihood became another reason of the greatest Paleolithic achieve handst. 2) The use of can resulted in the ability to live in colder climates. adult male became more adaptable after its constant usage. The role of tools greatly impact human life in the sense that they helped humans feed animals. This drawd an easier way to eat animals for survival and to use their skin for clothing, as well. Animal bones were even used to manoeuver and create tools. It ultimately changed humans way of living. 3) The neolithic novelty brought a spring of agriculture and a new participation. gardening demand more work of men. This probably became the reason for passing in gender roles and the subservience of women.
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It also brought on disease, which almost in all likelihood called for womens care since men were doing newly developed economical, semipolitical and religious activities. Another factor of changing gender roles efficacyve been that since the development of agriculture, women didnt get down much to do in the new society created. 4) During the Neolithic Revolution, agriculture h ad spread from Asia to places like Northern ! Africa and Europe. Most humans had settled the Middle east but there were also many people in China and Japan. The dependence on wheat and rice substantiated because more people had settled in Asia and the supply was higher than anywhere else. Agriculture had changed human society wherever it spread. 5) Pastoral societies didnt contribute or take involved with the development...If you want to get a full essay, magnitude it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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