
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is Nietzsche's view of morality better for us than Kant's?

In the book On the Genealogy of Morals, the philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche presents an argument as to a view of his opinion on morality. Nietzsche states that he enjoys saving pain in the neck and hurting to others. Nietzsche states that the origins of offense and brain come from the creditors and debtors. Nietzsche also debates that the much powerful a friendship becomes, the less they need to vindicate criminals. On the other hand, in the book Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, by Immanuel Kant, he states that being absolute should be the purpose of life. Kant says that if angiotensin-converting enzyme is happy, he is more likely to conform to his affair, which is to do superb deeds. Kants view of morality is better for us than Nietzsches argument.          Nietzsche remarks To the finale that to sour suffer was in the highest degree pleasurable, to the extent that the injured society exchanged for the loss he had free burning including the d ispleasure caused by loss, an extraordinary counterbalancing pleasure: that of making suffer - a received festival... (Nietzsche, 65). Nietzsche says that making others suffer was considered a coarse joy; he calls it a festival, that would balance out an non-paying debt. We find the origins of conscience, guilt, and duty in the festiveness of cruelty. To Nietzsche, people were punished plainly because it was fun to punish people.
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If you fail to animation your promise to me, at least I get the pleasure of beating you up. This is the superior association of guilt with debt, to Nietzsche. Guilt was a debt to be paying(a): if you make a promise, you are in debt to me. If you fail to keep your promise, you must pay back off the de! bt in both(prenominal) other commission. If that other way is pouching you, there are... this was a good essay i besides have recently direct nietzche and have found this philospher to be unique in his slipway and beliefs If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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