
Friday, October 25, 2013

Comparing and contrasting life in New England and Chesapeake colonies.

Although colonists came to America for many of the same reasons, the experiences they encountered were quite different. The quest for scrimping opportunity, religious freedom, and democratic lifestyle presented challenges to both the Chesapeake and New Eng priming colonies. The Chesapeake resoluteness consisted of Virginia and Maryland. Virginias first migrants were sent not only to settle land, unless to a greater extent importantly to search for gold and other treasures for backing to computer memory a joint-stock company beared by capital of the United body politic merchants. The merchants had sold shares of their company to investors in order to providing funding for this venture. An tautological promise of the merchants to the stockholders was that Christianity would be introduced to the Indians while settling the new land. No wo workforce, settlers, or ministers were included in the first settlement. The original colonists consisted of 104 young men and boys who we re employed by the London merchants. While the merchants unplowed up(p) testifyership of the land, a ordinateor and small council were appointed to govern the employees. These employees were in reality fur traders and wildly adventurous tender men in out of bounds of gold and land for themselves. They were dotty prepared to handle the challenges they encountered in Virginia. They were expected to provide their own food, but had no experience living off the land.
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animated conditions in Virginia were not as they expected. Disease and starvation apostrophize many of these men their lives. The land of Virginia was swampy, the water was bad and on that point was an inadequate suppl y of food and shelter. The swampy land furt! her the spread of disease by mosquitoes. Although there was a paucity of food, the young settlers didnt want any part of farming. They were in pursuit of gold. Conflicts with the Indians began when the colonists stole food from them. The majority of the... If you want to work a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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