
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Apolo Ohno

apolo ohno the olympics began in about 776 bc. archiologists originated from funeral ceramonies held in the honor of heros. games originated in greece. later on on 393ad, the roman emperor forbid the games to be held. in 1896, the premier modern olympics were held in athens, greece. the international congress of genus Paris concord to hold the games every 4 years. the olypic games cosist of games on water, ice, solid ground and snow. the winter olympics argon held every 4 years alike. they are held inbetween the firm olmpics. the olympic motto is SWIFTER, HIGHER, STRONGER. when the olympics begin, opening ceramonies are held.
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a blowtorch that has been carrie d on a long route to its destination, lights a huge, emblematic torch in the stadium where the games are to be held. my athelete was apolo ohno. he was born on may 22, 1982 in seattle washington, where he even-tempered resides. he won the gold medal in petty track speed skating for mens 1500 mt. he also won the silver medal for the 1000 m. ...If you want to fare a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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