
Saturday, September 28, 2013


whoredom is frequently called the worlds oldest professing. Actually the profession of priest-doctor predates it by thousands of geezerhood ago. This inaccuracy reflects about of western smart sets customsal attitudes ab protrude women, e.g. women be property, women are sinful and womens purpose is to shell out the needs of men. Because these attitudes are so ingrained, it is out of the question to think of a time when they were not truisms. Prostitution is really ancient and it is even documented in human races earliest written book.                  Over the years, there are motley theories on why prostitution exist. These various theories distribute stilt into four basic categories. The first is that prostitution is fatal because reputation determines certain roles for men and women and one of womens roles is to serve the inner needs of men. This theory is shared by twain tradition anthropologist and by some modern theorist. The socia list / bolshy bring about is that prostitution is an inevitable results of capitalism. A third view, widely held by some anthropologist is that prostitution is a holdover from previous(predicate) matriarchic societies where it was practiced without the negative social stigma that is wedded to it today. The final and most(prenominal) reasonable theory is that prostitution is a do work of a patriarchal and male-dominated society.
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This view is held by some traditionalistic anthropologist, who believes that patriarchy is a superior from social structure, and by most modern feminist.                  Whatever the origins and causes of prostitution, it has b een a social substructure passim the recor! ded history of humankind. Yet there are legion(predicate) misconceptions concerning prostitutes. In general, it has always been a temporary art where no choice was involved. Most prostitutes left the profession to bond or simply found work of another type. For many years it was a sideline, practiced to supplement their income from other... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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