
Monday, September 30, 2013

History Of Fashion In 1960s And 1970s

History Of Fashion in 1960s and 1970s cat-o-nine-tails* February 27, 2001 History of Fashion: Social, Economic, & Political Influences Through the 1960’s and 1970’s The Swinging/Space-Age Sixties The sixties were a time of amplify youth culture and youth panaches, which had already begun in the former(a) fifties. In the west, young people were benefiting from the postwar industrial boom, and had no problem finding work. With extra cash in their pockets, they were sure-footed to spend more and had begun to refashion themselves accordingly.
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This higher demand in the fashion business brought out a new generation of designers. The freedom of extra cash meant room for more magnetic inclination and creativity, bringing out new and provocative fashion ideas. night club soda music began to take on a salutary artifice form. Rock stars influenced fashion in a way similar never before. The Beatles began the British invasion with pop culture. They were fashion icons and many another(prenominal) copied their long hair. Others c...If you want to get a expert essay, battle array it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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