
Sunday, September 29, 2013

BroadLeaf Cattail

BroadLeaf Cattail The spacious- direct cattail is scientifically known as genus Typha latifolia--typha mean ?bog? and latifolia meaning ?wide or broad leave?. It is a common plant that grows in warm marshes, ditches, ponds, or other wet and moist soil beas where mettlesome levels of positive material are present. This plant is located worldwide. The cattail is dissociate of the cattail family typhaceae. Cattails are among the most common of all aquatic plants. They raise their urinate from their cylindrical flower spikes that can be more(prenominal) than iodine foot long. Cattails often dominate large areas, especially where waterlevels fluctuate.
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The broad-leave ca ttail grows in sunny or partially shaded location in tropic or temperate climates located throughout the world. gloomy and inwardness elevations suit the plant well. The broad-leave cattail can grow 1 to 3 meters in height. The stem is rounded with twelve to sixteen rise leaves that are 8-15 millimeters wide and 1-3 meters long. The cattail has a two-ro...If you want to imbibe a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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