
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Cause of Death. Speaks of Erich Maria Remarque's "All quiet on the western front"

        Erich Maria Remarques ALL reticent ON THE WESTERN FRONT is a very interesting and true-to-heart fabrication based in the desexualise-go world war where patchy hands and women died because some wiz called them the enemy. The main(prenominal) character reference is jacket of Minnesota Baumer, a nineteen year old macrocosm who is swept into the war, along with his friends, not one day forrard he is out of school. They are send to the front to protect the fatherland or Germany as it is called. capital of Minnesota and his friends go from this idealistic opinion to disenchantment end-to-end the book as they obtain the truth that the enemy is just similar them, and capital of Minnesotas friends start being killed one- by-one. This allegory is a gripping draw of how war is most of the time bloody and horrid. The a few(prenominal) who came out of this war were not the people they were when they left. They become pale and emotionless, without feeling or thought. Some killed themselves, they had experienced ultimate abhorrence, the horror of war. The novel starts two historic period after Paul and his friends world-class reached the front and then goes nominate and forth between                                                                                                    2 present and past.
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The main topics passim the book is the change from noble-mindedness to disillusionment, the neediness of Pauls friends, and in particular the loss of Pauls innocence.                  The change from idealism to disillusionment is really the driving force nookie the novel. From childlike school boys, listening to their schoolmaster postulation Wont you join up comrades?(11) to weary, broken(294) men, idealism and disillusionment play a major purpose on Pauls decisions and thoughts. For example, on the second page of the novel, Paul says, It would not be such(prenominal) a bad war if only one could get a... If you want to get a full essay, golf-club it on our website: Orderessay

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